SK-Electronics CO.,LTD.




Basic ideas on compliance

We conduct sound and fair business practices not only in compliance with laws and regulations, but also through initiatives according to the norms of society and corporate ethics, thereby making contributions that benefit society.

Internal report

We have established an internal reporting protection rule, thereby preventing misconduct due to violation of laws or acts of dishonesty and detecting them early. We have also provided a help line for securing social credibility.

Response to antisocial forces

In our Group, we observe a basic policy of prohibiting any connection with antisocial forces or antisocial groups which adversely affect the order and safety of civil society, firmly refuse any demand from antisocial forces or groups, and never transact business with enterprises, groups or individuals which are related to these forces.

The Management Headquarters General Affairs Division and Human Resource Development Division controls the response to antisocial forces and we work in collaboration with legal experts, law enforcement and related organizations, promoting development and buildup of the company structure.

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